Sinus tachycardia in children, adults, pregnant women: treatment, causes, drugs, symptoms

The increase and increase in heart rate, felt by a person, does not necessarily indicate the development of ailment. Tachycardia can also appear in healthy people with great physical exertion or lack of oxygen, in situations of severe stress or emotional arousal and, even if excessive consumption of coffee drinks. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous to check with the doctor, in case of what, in time to detect the symptoms of sinus tachycardia and begin its treatment.

Features of the disease

This kind of monotopic arrhythmia as sinus tachycardia is characterized by an accelerated rhythm of the sinus node. The heart rate in this case in adults is more than 100 per minute( in adults) and more than 10% in children( depending on age).

  • In women "in position" tachycardia is not uncommon. But, usually, this state is not long. In case of suspicion of sinus tachycardia, it is worthwhile to see a doctor, check for possible heart defects in the fetus. The doctor, if the rhythm of the sinus node is disturbed, prescribes a physical and emotional rest to the woman.
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  • In newborn infants, tachycardia is indicated by an increase in heart rate of more than 170 beats per minute. This condition occurs in more than 40% of the crumbs and does not particularly bother the pediatricians. If the attacks of sinus tachycardia last more than a day, then it is fraught with heart failure, then the doctor can be prescribed treatment with special medications.

ECG of a patient suffering from sinus tachycardia

Classification of

Sinus tachycardia is divided into forms:

  • Functional, arising as a response, the body's reactions to "excesses" - strong physical pressure, stress, temperature increase.
  • Pathological( protracted, prolonged), which in turn is also divided into:
    • Neurogenic, occurring in patients with unstable nervous system( prone to neuroses, depressive states, panic attacks and similar manifestations).Such a disease is especially common among young women, due to increased sensitivity of the heart to stress hormones( adrenaline, noradrenaline).
    • Toxic. The reason is exposure to toxic and toxic substances of external origin( eg, frequent alcohol liberation, excessive tobacco smoking) and internal, like disruption of the hormonal balance:
      • with thyrotoxicosis( 90-120 beats per minute, the condition does not change even during sleep);
      • in adrenal tumors;
      • for chronic infectious processes such as tonsillitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.
    • Medicinal. It arises from the action of the drug on the body or an overdose of such a drug.
    • Hypoxic. The result is a lack of oxygen in the body.
    • Cardiac( myogenic), which occurs due to:
      • decompensated heart disease;
      • myocardial infarction;
      • inflammation of the heart muscle - myocarditis;
      • cardiomyopathy.

Sometimes paroxysmal sinus tachycardia occurs.

If you are a worried parent whose child has a sinus tachycardia, we advise you to watch the next video carefully:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Causes of sinus tachycardia

In newborns, sinus tachycardia can result from:

  • of pathological heart failure;
  • acidosis;
  • affection of the central nervous system( perinatal);
  • anemia;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • myocarditis.

This state is sometimes led to examination, swaddling, overheating, that is, physiological factors.

  • Pregnant women also often refer to physiological tachycardia( its reasons for increasing the body weight of a woman, changing the usual work of all body systems).
  • Sinus tachycardia in adolescents can occur as a result of stress, so characteristic for this period of human life. Strong physical overstrain, endocrine, cardiovascular, and various infections and tumors - all of which can also cause sinus tachycardia in adolescents.

Speaking of adults, there are such reasons for the appearance of tachycardia sinus:

  • Excess of toxins in the body caused by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking;
  • Overdose with medical products, a particular effect on the body of such drugs as glucocorticoids, antidepressants, caffeine, calcium antagonists, diuretics, etc.;
  • Excess of thyroid hormones and infectious particles;
  • Influence of an overabundance of thyroid hormones, as well as infectious bodies.
  • The ailments of respiratory and blood( anemia, etc.), which result in a lack of oxygen in the body.
  • Diseases of the heart:
    • vices;
    • myocarditis;
    • ischemic disease;
    • cardiomyopathy.
  • Neuroses, depression, are frequent and cases of panic attacks.

Symptoms of

In pregnant women and adolescents

Pregnant women have such signs of tachycardia:

  • increased heart rate;
  • pain in the heart;
  • dizziness;
  • excessive fatigue.

Tachycardia in adolescence may show dizziness, general weakness, heart pain, darkening in the eyes, shortness of breath and loss of consciousness. Such signs may indicate the development of paroxysmal tachycardia.

In adults

In an adult, the appearance of clinical symptoms of tachycardia of the sinus type depends more on the degree of its severity, such as the underlying disease, duration of arrhythmia.

When it comes to inadequate sinus tachycardia, its following symptoms are possible:

  • persistent heartbeat,
  • sensation of lack of air,
  • general weakness,
  • dyspnea,
  • dizziness.

There are often cases of increased fatigue, decreased appetite and performance, insomnia, an unreasonable bad mood.

If the sinus tachycardia is caused by heart disease, then the increase in the number of contractions is affected by angina attacks, aggravation of heart failure.

The type of tachycardia is also worth considering:

  • With pronounced sinus tachycardia, syncope is possible;
  • When the brain vessels are affected, cramps occur.
  • With prolonged tachycardia - arterial hypotension, as well as cold extremities.


Diagnostic measures for sinus tachycardia include:

  • Electrocardiography( ECG).It helps to identify the presence of sinus tachycardia, as well as determine the rhythm of the contractions of the heart.
  • Echocardiography( EchoCG), as well as magnetic resonance imaging( MRI).With the help of these methods, intracardiac pathologies are identified that can cause a pathological type of tachycardia.
  • Electrophysiological study( EFI) of the heart. It is used to detect cardiac conduction abnormalities and the mechanism of tachycardia.
  • Assays. A general blood test( for detecting anemia, leukocyte count), urine( to exclude ailments on the urinary tract), to the level of hormones thyroid and others.

On how to treat sinus tachycardia, and how dangerous it is, read on.

More details on the diagnosis of tachycardia, its treatment and prevention will be described in the video below:

Treatment of

In all patients, the treatment of sinus tachycardia is reduced to eliminating the cause of its occurrence. Pregnant women should be consulted by an obstetrician / gynecologist before prescribing treatment.

Therapeutic method

This method of treatment is reduced to the following prescriptions:

  • Complete refusal of smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Proper nutrition( eating foods high in cells, avoiding hot and hot foods, consuming coffee and tea in small doses);
  • Complete sleep( 8-9 hours);
  • Elimination of the original causes of illness( including aching teeth, inflammation of the tonsils, etc.).

Drug method

As the tachycardia arises against the background of another disease, the medicinal treatment is intended to eliminate it as the primary cause of arrhythmia:

  • antibiotics - for the treatment of infectious diseases;
  • thyreostatics - to suppress the increased function of the thyroid gland;
  • iron-containing protein - to restore the concentration of hemoglobin;
  • intravenous solutions - with blood loss, to restore the reserves of circulating blood.

The drug type of treatment( drugs) directly sinus tachycardia is required when the heart palpitations are poorly tolerated by the patient. In this case apply:

  • beta-blockers;
  • inhibitors of the if-channels of the sinus node;
  • sedatives:
    • valerian root tincture,
    • hawthorn;
    • motherwort.


The first and main principle of prevention of sinus tachycardia is the cure of diseases that negatively affect the functions of the sinus node( internal organs diseases, chronic type, gum disease, caries, atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, etc.).

The general recommendations for the prevention of sinus tachycardia are as follows:

  • Avoid stressful situations;
  • sleep enough;
  • eat right, rationally, give up sharp and fatty foods, consume more fish, fruits and vegetables, do not overeat;
  • quit smoking
  • discard excessive consumption of alcohol-containing beverages( the male should not consume more than 30 ml of ethyl alcohol per day).
  • watch the weight;
  • do not forget about moderate fiznagruzki( not less than half an hour daily).

Complications of

Sinus tachycardia is often able to lead to progression of heart failure, in the case when the patient has lesions or heart disease.

Therefore, without monitoring the doctor and following his recommendations, even a lethal outcome is possible. As for the army, with sinus tachycardia, the decision on mobilization is taken by the medical board.


Within a month after giving birth, the heart rhythm of the mother comes back to normal, so pregnant women should not worry. The forecast in this case is almost always positive.

In adults with CCC diseases, this condition often indicates the possible presence of heart failure or left ventricular dysfunction of the heart, so the prognosis can be very unoptimistic if you do not take time to treat these ailments.

When it comes to the physiological type of sinus tachycardia, the prognosis is usually quite satisfactory.

Even more useful information about sinus tachycardia, as well as some other violations will be told by specialists in the following video:

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