Diagnostic tympanotomy: indications, how it is conducted, references and recommendations

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Ear disorders are a fairly common problem that can lead to severe hearing impairment.

To avoid this, it is very important to consult a doctor at the initial stage of the development of the disease. However, sometimes you can not do without surgery. A doctor can recommend tympanotomy.


This term means surgery, which involves opening the tympanic membrane to access the inside of the bones. Initially, the surgeon cuts the membrane, then spreads its edges.

Indications for operation

This procedure is required if there are such symptoms:

  • ear pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • occurrence of complications of diseases of the organ of hearing;
  • ejaculation of the eardrum.

The structure of the ear of a person

In what diseases are

indications for the performance of tympanotomy is a number of anomalies:

  1. Acute otitis, which is characterized by severe pain. Due to the implementation of the incision of the tympanic membrane, it is possible to remove purulent or serous discharge from the tympanic cavity. As a consequence, pressure on the structures of the hearing organ is reduced.
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  2. Acute otitis media, which provokes intracranial complications. In complicated cases of the inflammatory process, the infection affects the brain tissue. This is fraught with the appearance of meningitis or a cerebral abscess. Thanks to the timely removal of secretions and the drainage of the cavity, it is possible to prevent dangerous consequences.
  3. Acute otitis media in people who have immunodeficiency conditions. With a weakening of immunity due to infections or endocrine pathologies, one can not expect the development of inflammation. In this situation, the body needs to help overcome the ailment.
  4. Inefficiency of conservative therapy of acute otitis media. In this case, it is necessary to deduce the pathological secret from the tympanic cavity, and then introduce antibiotics and corticosteroids.
  5. Traumatic head injuries. In some cases, a doctor may have a suspicion of brain damage. In this situation, the procedure allows to identify the presence or absence of CSF in the structure of the hearing organ.

Sometimes tympanotomy is performed for diagnostic purposes. For example, the procedure can be performed in the development of cholesteatoma. A probe is placed in the hole, which probes the bone walls and reveals the damage to the bone tissue.

Conducting the

In order for the procedure to be successful, it is very important to consult a qualified doctor. The specialist should conduct an examination of the patient and give recommendations.

In the photo, different degrees of tympanic inflammation

Preparation for

procedure At the initial stage, the physician analyzes the medical history, area of ​​treatment and summarizes the anamnesis. After this, he begins a detailed examination of the head and a sick ear. If there is a need, additional research can be assigned.

They help to assess the nature of purulent discharge, their congestion and peculiarities of the structure of the ear. In addition, the patient must necessarily donate blood for analysis and undergo an X-ray examination.


To improve the outflow of pus, this procedure is usually performed on day 3-4 of the disease. It is recommended for severe pain and fever. To prevent the appearance of pain, various types of anesthesia can be used:

  • conductor - in this case, a puncture is performed behind the ear, through which a substance that freezes nerves is injected;
  • application - is the external treatment of the membrane with an anesthetic;
  • ethereal anesthesia - often used for restless children.

A needle with a spear blade is used to perform the manipulation. The incision site is chosen by the doctor - this can be the anterior or posterior lower quadrant of the membrane. The incision is performed in such a way that the instrument passes through the entire tympanic membrane.

After puncture into the external auditory canal, a dry sterile turunda is administered. To prevent scarring, the doctor can make a catheterization of the inner tube and insert antibiotics and hydrocortisone into the cavity. The procedure does not take much time. Usually the session takes a maximum of half an hour.

How is tympanotomy performed in our video:

Post-operative care and recovery of

After tympanotomy, it is imperative to continue the treatment of inflammation. To do this, use antibacterial drugs. Turundu should be changed every 3-4 hours as it is soaked with pus.

Possible complications of

After the incision is completed, there is a risk of negative consequences:

  • complete or partial hearing loss;
  • inflammatory lesion of the treated area;
  • infection;
  • repeated suppuration, which is associated with the use of an unsterile instrument.

Postoperative treatment of

After completing this procedure, you should always follow all the doctor's recommendations. Thanks to this, it will be possible to minimize the likelihood of complications.


If a person has otitis media, antibiotic therapy is mandatory. It is also very important to perform the toilet of the ears every day, to introduce into the external auditory aperture turundas with medicines. The doctor may prescribe such remedies:

  • levomycetin alcohol;
  • boric alcohol 3%;
  • solution of dioxidine 1%;
  • salicylic alcohol 2%.

Folk recipes

To accelerate the recovery, you can use folk remedies. However, this can only be done by the appointment of a specialist. The most effective recipes include the following:

  1. To clean the outer auditory aperture from purulent impurities, tampons are used that are moistened with infusions of camomile or wild leek. To make the infusion, take a small spoonful of dried flowers, add a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Then you can strain the composition through gauze.
  2. After performing the cleansing, it is possible to inject into the auditory aperture turundas moistened in the juice of plantain. It is mixed in equal proportions with the juice of hare cabbage.
  3. It is very useful to insert into the ears of turundas, which are moistened in the pine needles juice.
  4. To cope with the symptoms of otitis helps tincture of mint. To make it, you need to take a couple of spoons of fresh leaves and mix with 250 ml of vodka. Leave to infuse for a week. A strained agent injects 3-4 drops into the ears every 3 hours.
  5. A good remedy is tincture based on leaves of nightshade. A couple of spoonfuls of raw materials should be mixed with half a glass of vodka. It is recommended to insist for a week. Filtered composition soak turundas and inject them into the ears in the morning and evening.

What can and can not be done

In order for the recovery procedure to be successful, it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations:

  • to avoid hot baths with open ears;
  • for the prevention and elimination of swelling apply the funds prescribed by the otolaryngologist;
  • refrain from swimming in open water;
  • Take medicine as directed by a doctor.

Alarming symptoms of

There are a number of symptoms, the occurrence of which should be the basis for immediate medical attention. They include the following:

  • appearance of any manifestations of infection;
  • increased volume of discharge from the ears or the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • redness, swelling, pain in the region of the incision;
  • appearance of dizziness, coughing, chest pain and dyspnea;
  • pain that does not go away after using analgesics.

Comments of doctors about tympanoplasty in our video:


To prevent the occurrence of serious violations, you need to deal with their prevention:

  • does not fly on an airplane during an exacerbation of ENT diseases;
  • does not clean your ears with sharp objects;
  • treat otitis immediately after the onset of the first signs;
  • avoid exposure to strong noise.

Timpanotomy is an effective procedure that helps to remove excess fluid from the ears and significantly improve the prognosis in diseases of the ENT organs. It is very important to strictly follow the medical recommendations. This will help prevent complications.

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